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The next paidverts and digadz

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The next paidverts and digadz Empty The next paidverts and digadz

Mensagem por akram1044 Ter Dez 23 2014, 09:32

Hello everybody, my name is David. I am the founder of PTC Evo, an online money making website which has a lot more functions than what you can expect.
Besides other way of online making money such as ads clicking before, PTC Evo has many other forms to make money such as:
- Mini jobs
- Buying lottery
- Betting on football
- Playing game (player vs player)
- Exchange: Bitcoin, Perfect Money, WebMoney, etc
- Purchasing shares of PTC Evo for profit sharing…
Unline PaidVerts, where you play programmed games which give you less winning percentage; at PTC Evo, there will be games where players play with each other, therefore, winning percentage is based on your skills.
There are many interesting things waiting for your ahead, please be patient and wait till January 20, 2015 which is my birthday and the date when PTC Evo website – the new era of online money making, will be run officially.
600 premium account for new members.
500$ prize for opening referral contest.
So what should you do now? Don’t be hesitate, quickly register your member account and enjoy the benefits of being our very first members.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
The next paidverts and digadz CfAvjo

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Data de inscrição : 11/09/2014
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